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Want to Become a
Licensed Professional?

We will help you
Reach Your Goals

  • Contractors License
  • Home and Building Inspector
  • Real Estate License

California Contractors' License

Easy, Efficient Home Study courses. Professional Instruction in Audio and Video formats. Online Practice Exams with the same amount and mix of questions that closely reflect the State Exam.

Contractor's License Virginia, Arizona

Exam Preparation Courses, Pre-License education and Licensing Requirements for Arizona and Virginia.

Building Inspector Certification

Designed to help students pass Residential Building Inspector - B1 ICC Certification Exam. This course offers comprehensive review of the IRC and includes Online Practice Exams.

California Real Estate License

Approved by CA Department of Real Estate! All qualifying courses include textbook and Online Final Exam. State License exam prep course covers overview of all important facts. Audio and Video Instruction and Online Practice Exams. 

Home Inspection Training

Affordable, User-Friendly online courses with in-depth focus on all major home systems. Free Professional Association membership after the course completion.

Real Estate License - Other States

Pre-Licensing, Exam Prep and Continuing Education courses for various States. We have partnered with RE Campus to provide a truly comprehensive pre-licensing curriculum and exam preparation.



Freedom Business School has been helping contractors get licensed since 1991. We are proud to have thousands of satisfied clients running successful Construction businesses. We offer license exam preparation for Contractors in CA, AZ, VA and TX. Our current course offerings also include Home and Building Inspector Certification and Real Estate Licensing.

Freedom’s unique approach allows students to experience first-hand instruction -lectures recorded in Video and Audio formats as a part of our Contractors' Exam Preparation and other courses. This approach provides flexibility of studying at home / office at student’s own pace without missing any of the classroom advantages, and saving BIG Time in the process.

Our Video and Audio lectures feature licensed contractors, estimators, lawyers, business-management consultants guiding you through the course manuals.

All FBS courses include Practice tests and updates. They are presented in the same multiple choice format as the State exams. Our answer sheets include full explanations and references. We are dedicated to keeping our content and questions current by constantly updating our lectures, manuals and tests. Each set of tests comes with an Update which represents most recently developed questions that correspond with the changes in Contractors State License Board (CSLB) Exams, Building Codes and Contracting Laws and regulations.

Our new contractors' and other course options include online practice exams. Recently developed, they work seamlessly on Mac OSX, Windows, iPad, and Tablets. Online Exams allow students to take a stricter timed test, formatted closely to the Contractors License Board, DRE or ICC Exams. Our courses are designed to give you a thorough and complete overview of the material in the most effective way and are focused on the actual State License / Certification Exams. Student Support is available for as long as our students need, to answer any questions or provide additional information. Freedom Business School has one of the highest Exam Pass rates in the industry and we are confident that you will also pass your License / Certification Exam on the first try.

Our Mission:

Provide each student with the Best Quality, Low Cost, up-to-date study materials and Personal Attention to ensure their successful course completion and obtaining Professional License or Certification of their choice.

What People Say About Us

Misha N - San Francisco, CA I have taken my Contractors' License exam prep course at Freedom Business School. This course completely prepared me for my exams, which I passed on the first try. Freedom has excellent student support and online training. I would recommend this ... More
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