We are happy to announce newly revised editions for the following Trade Courses:
C-31: Construction Zone Traffic ControlC-23: Ornamental MetalC-21: Building Moving and Demolition
The new edition of the C-31 Trade Manual includes:
Updated Layout
Updated Graphics
Up-to-date Code and Standards references
Students should still listen or watch the Math Review Lecture that covers pages 3-8 of the Trade Manual.
The new edition of the C-23 Trade Manual includes:
A new Layout
Updated Graphics
Expanded sections on welding and cutting
New Sections covering soldering and surfacing processes
The lectures for this course remain unchanged. Students should listen to or watch the Math Review lecture that covers pages 3-8 of the Manual, and the Health ans Safety Lecture that covers the Cal/Osha Safety Orders that begin on page HS-1 of the Trade Manual.
The new edition of the C-21 Trade Manual includes:
New Layout
Updated Graphics
Updated Code References
New sections covering commercial driver requirements and transportations permits
The lectures for this course remain unchanged. Students should listen to or watch the Math Review lecture that covers pages 3-8 of the Manual, and the Health ans Safety Lecture that covers the Cal/Osha Safety Orders that begin on page HS-1 of the Trade Manual.
For CA Contractors, we offer courses in Law / Business and Trade in All License (Trade) Classifications. All our courses are up-to-date with the changes in Codes, Standards as well as CSLB License Exam content.
Freedom Business School is unique in that we offer Video and Audio Lectures with our courses. Therefore, students do not loose out on the classroom type of instruction, while being able to study at home or office at their own pace. Our Contractors License California courses provide comprehensive review and preparation focused on passing the State Exams. This translates into one of the highest pass rates for our students.
Other courses we offer include Building Inspector Certificate and Home Inspection Training.Please visit our website at www.FreedomBusinessSchool.com for all current License and Certificate course selection. We are looking forward to helping you obtain professional License or Certification of your choice.